Genome Serialization

The NEAT library provides functionality to save genomes to JSON format and load them back, allowing for persistence of evolved neural networks across sessions.

Saving Genomes


genome.toJSON() → String

Converts a genome to a JSON string representation that can be stored in a file or database.

Returns Type Description
jsonString String JSON string representation of the genome
// Save a genome to JSON const jsonString = genome.toJSON(); console.log(jsonString); // Write to a file (in Node.js) const fs = require('fs'); fs.writeFileSync('best_genome.json', jsonString);


The JSON structure includes the genome's ID, node genes, connection genes, fitness score, and population ID. This provides all the information needed to reconstruct the genome later.

Loading Genomes


GenomeBuilder.loadGenome(jsonData, config) → Genome

Recreates a genome from its JSON representation.

Parameter Type Description
jsonData String JSON string representation of a genome
config Object Configuration parameters for the genome
Returns Type Description
genome Genome A reconstructed genome with the same structure and weights
// Load a genome from JSON string const jsonString = genome.toJSON(); const newGenome = GenomeBuilder.loadGenome(jsonString, config); // Load from a file (in Node.js) const fs = require('fs'); const savedGenomeJson = fs.readFileSync('best_genome.json', 'utf8'); const loadedGenome = GenomeBuilder.loadGenome(savedGenomeJson, config);

Example: Saving and Loading the Best Genome

// After evolution completes, get the best genome const bestGenome = population.getBestGenome(); // Save the best genome to JSON const jsonString = bestGenome.toJSON(); console.log("Best genome saved, fitness:",; // Store in a file const fs = require('fs'); fs.writeFileSync('best_genome.json', jsonString); // Later, in another session, load the genome back const savedGenomeJson = fs.readFileSync('best_genome.json', 'utf8'); const loadedGenome = GenomeBuilder.loadGenome(savedGenomeJson, config); // Use the loaded genome for inference const inputs = [0.5, 0.7]; loadedGenome.resetState(); const outputs = loadedGenome.propagate(inputs); console.log("Loaded genome outputs:", outputs);