The Config class provides a centralized way to configure all aspects of the NEAT algorithm. It manages parameters for network structure, evolution, speciation, and mutation with sensible defaults that can be overridden as needed.
new Config(configObj = {})
Creates a new configuration object with default values that can be overridden by the provided configuration object.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
configObj |
Object |
Optional object containing configuration parameters to override defaults |
// Create a configuration with default values
const config = new Config();
// Create a configuration with custom values
const customConfig = new Config({
inputSize: 4,
outputSize: 2,
activationFunction: 'ReLU',
populationSize: 200,
allowRecurrentConnections: false
// Set values explicitly
customConfig.generations = 100;
Configuration Parameters
Network Structure
Parameter |
Type |
Default |
Description |
inputSize |
Number |
2 |
Number of input nodes in the network |
outputSize |
Number |
1 |
Number of output nodes in the network |
activationFunction |
String/Object |
'Sigmoid' |
Activation function for the nodes. Can be specified as a string name from available functions or as a custom function object |
weightInitialization |
Object |
{ type: 'Random', params: [-1, 1] } |
Strategy for initializing connection weights. Can be specified as an object with type and parameters |
minWeight |
Number |
-4.0 |
Minimum allowed weight value for connections |
maxWeight |
Number |
4.0 |
Maximum allowed weight value for connections |
allowRecurrentConnections |
Boolean |
true |
Whether recurrent connections are allowed in the network |
recurrentConnectionRate |
Number |
1.0 |
Rate for forming recurrent connections when they are allowed |
useBias |
Boolean |
true |
Enables or disables the use of bias nodes in the network |
bias |
Number |
1.0 |
The value for bias inputs (typically 1.0) |
useBiasWeights |
Boolean |
true |
When true, applies weights to bias connections (bias*weight); when false, adds bias directly (+bias) |
connectBias |
Boolean |
true |
When true, automatically connects the bias node to all output nodes during network construction |
addBiasEverywhere |
Boolean |
false |
When true, adds bias to every node's activation function (standard neural network approach) |
Evolution Parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Default |
Description |
populationSize |
Number |
150 |
Size of the population |
generations |
Number |
100 |
Maximum number of generations for evolution |
fitnessFunction |
String/Object |
'XOR' |
Function to evaluate genome fitness. Can be specified as a string name from available functions or as a custom function object |
survivalRate |
Number |
0.2 |
Proportion of population that survives each generation |
numOfElite |
Number |
10 |
Number of elite individuals to preserve unchanged in each generation |
populationStagnationLimit |
Number |
20 |
Maximum number of generations without fitness improvement before population is considered stagnant |
interspeciesMatingRate |
Number |
0.001 |
Rate of mating between individuals from different species |
mutateOnlyProb |
Number |
0.25 |
Probability of producing offspring through mutation only (without crossover) |
Speciation Parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Default |
Description |
c1 |
Number |
1.0 |
Coefficient for excess genes in compatibility distance calculation |
c2 |
Number |
1.0 |
Coefficient for disjoint genes in compatibility distance calculation |
c3 |
Number |
0.4 |
Coefficient for weight differences in compatibility distance calculation |
compatibilityThreshold |
Number |
3.0 |
Maximum compatibility distance for genomes to be considered part of the same species |
dropOffAge |
Number |
15 |
Maximum age for a species before it is removed if no fitness improvement is observed |
Mutation Parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Default |
Description |
mutationRate |
Number |
1.0 |
Overall probability of applying mutation to offspring |
weightMutationRate |
Number |
0.8 |
Probability of mutating connection weights |
addConnectionMutationRate |
Number |
0.05 |
Probability of adding a new connection |
addNodeMutationRate |
Number |
0.03 |
Probability of adding a new node |
perturbRange |
Number |
0.5 |
Range for weight perturbation when mutating weights |
keepDisabledOnCrossOverRate |
Number |
0.75 |
Probability of inheriting disabled genes during crossover |
Available Built-in Functions
Activation Functions
Name |
Description |
'Sigmoid' |
Standard sigmoid function: f(x) = 1 / (1 + e^(-x)) |
'NEATSigmoid' |
Modified sigmoid function as used in the original NEAT paper |
'Tanh' |
Hyperbolic tangent: f(x) = tanh(x) |
'ReLU' |
Rectified Linear Unit: f(x) = max(0, x) |
'LeakyReLU' |
Leaky Rectified Linear Unit: f(x) = x if x > 0, else αx |
'Gaussian' |
Gaussian function: f(x) = e^(-x²) |
Weight Initializations
Name |
Parameters |
Description |
'Random' |
[min, max] |
Initializes weights randomly within the specified range |
Fitness Functions
Name |
Description |
'XOR' |
Evaluates fitness based on the XOR problem (built-in test case) |
Using Custom Functions
Custom Activation Function
// Create a custom activation function
class CustomActivation {
constructor(param = 1.0) {
this.param = param;
activate(x) {
return Math.sin(x * this.param);
derivative(x) {
return this.param * Math.cos(x * this.param);
// Use the custom activation function in configuration
const config = new Config({
activationFunction: new CustomActivation(0.5)
Custom Fitness Function
// Create a custom fitness function
class CartPoleFunction {
constructor(simulationSteps = 500) {
this.simulationSteps = simulationSteps;
calculateFitness(genome) {
let fitness = 0;
// Run cart-pole simulation with the genome
// ...
return fitness;
// Use the custom fitness function in configuration
const config = new Config({
inputSize: 4, // Cart position, velocity, pole angle, pole velocity
outputSize: 1, // Force direction
fitnessFunction: new CartPoleFunction(1000)